How To Download Files And Folders From Amazon S3? As we know, Amazon s3 does not allow you to download folders directly from it. You can download it one by one file only. But, what happens if you have thousands of files to download? You will spend more time doing it. Very unreasonable. Right?
In this tutorial, I will show you how to download all folder entirely from Amazon s3. So you no need to download it one by one.
How To Download Files and Folders from Amazon s3
Before you start, I want to say this tutorial is just for Windows users. Not for MAC users because for MAC users there is no software for it.
Step 1: Please download software s3browser from their official website.
Step 2: Then, install it into you computer.
Sorry. Here I will not show the details on how to install it. Just follow their instruction on how to install it. I want this tutorial focus, clean and clear.
Step 3: After you finish the download and install it into your computer, please connect it with your amazon s3 account like as below.
For Access key ID and Secret access keys you can get it from this link
Then you need to create new a one if you do not have it yet.
How to create Access key ID and Secret access key?
Hit the link I give above » Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) » Create new access key button.
In few second, you will get access key ID and secret access key.
Step 4: Now, s3browser has connected with your amazon s3 account. Select the bucket that contains the files or folder which you need to download and click the Download button.
Is it easy, right?
On this article, you have learned the trick how to download files and folder entirely from amazon s3 account. You should know Amazon s3 does not allow you to download folder directly from it. So, these are your solutions.