How To Add Social Icon to Divi WordPress Theme | Nowadays, Divi theme from Elegant Theme become trending for WordPress user. While I am writing this article, their users reach 437,821. Wow! This is a very massive number of users!
With Divi Theme, you can change anything by their setting except their social media. To add media social icon in Divi Theme, you must make a little customization. So today, I will show you how to add to it.
Add Social Icon to Divi WordPress Theme
By default, Divi just provides Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and RSS icons. If you want to add more social media like Instagram, YouTube or more, here is the process.
This is a list of code social media icons available in Divi which you can add to it. It located in Divi style.css file
So, how to add it? Follow this steps.
Step 1: Login to your cPanel. If needed, please backup your files. The purpose of backup is, when you get any mistake in your modification, you can restore it anytime. So your file will safe. If you confident can do it without any mistake, you can skip it.
We strongly recommend you to edit the file via cPanel or FTP. It is very dangerous if you edit directly from WordPress dasboard
Step 2: Navigate to wp-content » themes » Divi » includes » social_icons.php. Open the social_icons.php file and you will see code like this.
Step 3: To add social media icon, put your icon code before </ul>
For example, if you want to add YouTube, you may add this code.
If you want to add Pinterest, add this code.
And you can more social media. Please look at the code and understand their pattern. You just edit some code which social media you want to add. That all and it is very easy to follow.
In this tutorial, you have learned how to add social media icons to Divi Theme from Elegant Themes. Add more social media in your Divi to get more engagement with your visitors.