How to Create WordPress Shortcode Without Plugin

by | Last updated Jan 5, 2025 | Published on Jan 5, 2025 | WP Tutorial | 0 comments

How to Create WordPress Shortcode Without Plugin? When do you need to create a shortcode in WordPress? Well, this is a general question because it depends on what and why you need it.

For your information, we also use the shortcode on this blog to create a tutorial. For example, I will show you how the shortcode works.

Below are the codes I have set on the backend of the WordPress

[step1] [method1] [top1]

In the front end of WordPress, it would look like this.

Step 1: Method 1: Top #1

We use a shortcode to create all of these. We just integrate a simple “secret code” where we set it before this, and it appears like that. So, it will make your work easier.

create wordpress shortcode

Simply you can use the plugin to create shortcodes. There are many free or paid plugins to create shortcodes. For example, for the paid plugin you can use the Get Shortcode Plugin, or for the free plugin, you can use the Shortcoder plugin. But why we do not recommend you use a plugin that will make your work easier?

This is because, when you install a lot of plugins in WordPress, it will reduce your WordPress performance speed. Second, when your plugin is outdated and the developer no longer makes an update on the plugin, it will crash your site.

Create WordPress Shortcode Without Plugin

Step 1: Log into your cPanel.

Step 2: Navigate to your theme folder. Usually, it looks like this path “public_html/wp-content/themes“. Then, click on your currently active theme folder.

create wordpress shortcode

We strongly recommend you to create a child-theme. So, when you update your theme, your customization will not be lost.

Step 3: Open your functions.php file and paste the code below into it.


Ok. Finish for part one.

Step 4: Still on your currently active theme folder, create a new file and named it as shortcodes.php.

Step 5: Copy the code below and paste it into shortcodes.php.

In this code, you can change it and customize it. This is basic.

So the result is when we type the shortcode [minutesguide1] and then it will appear as “Minutes Guide Awesome!”

That is how it working


In this tutorial, you have learned how to create a shortcode without using any plugin.


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