How to choose a web host so you don’t regret it later? Choosing the right web hosting is the first indicator of whether you have a successful blog or not. Yes, this is the first thing you need to make the right decision. Imagine if you choose troubled web hosting. You cannot focus on your blogging. Every time, you need to fix the web hosting problem.
We have improved the topic “How to Choose Best Web Hosting Service” to be more detailed and understandable. Please check the article.
Table of Contents
This all will waste your time!
If this happens, do you feel confident you have a successful blog?
In this article, I will discuss five things to consider when choosing a web host.
What is Web Hosting?
Before proceeding to the main topic, I want to explain web hosting because not everyone knows it.
As defined by Namecheap, web hosting is a server that provides space to store a website’s files. These files, such as code, images, etc., are available online. Every website you’ve visited is hosted on a server.
In simple words, web hosting is where you store all of your website’s files (code, image, etc.), which can be viewed in website form.
Some countries call it server, and some countries call it web hosting. It is the same thing.
There are many types of web hosting, such as shared hosting, cloud hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated. However, the best option for beginners is Shared hosting because it is a type.
How To Choose A Web Host?

Choosing web hosting is painful for beginners because you need to make the right decision. If not, you will be facing assorted problems, and maybe you will give up on your website or blog.
Here are five things you need to consider when choosing web hosting.
#1 – Support
The first thing you must look at when choosing web hosting is their support. Support for hosting must be exceHostingecause when you have your hosting, unofficiallHostingtechnical things you need to do.
So, you should choose excellent web hosting support to make you happy every day without headaches so you can focus on your business or content. Let them solve the problem for you.
What means the best support?
When we say the best support, we must consider all of these.
- They can provide support 24/7. Even at midnight, they can reply in a couple of minutes when you have a problem.
- The staff is friendly, and they use pleasant words when communicating.
- All problems they can solve without giving any reason.
Based on my experience, many of the best web hosts are in their support. You can look at my list of web hosting.
#2 – Uptime Guarantee
Uptime of web hosting is the most essential thing to have a successful web or blog. If your website is always down, no one will visit your web, and the website’s ranking on search engines will drop.
What is an uptime guarantee?
An uptime guarantee is a promise that your website will be up and accessible online for a certain percentage of the time. In fact, if what they are promised is misleading, you are entitled to a refund from them. Many web hosts guarantee their server that 99%, 99.9%, 99.99%, or even 100% uptime.
Is it true?
In my experience, an uptime guarantee is not a big problem for most web host providers. Sometimes, the website goes down; it is normal. Facebook and YouTube sometimes have downtime, too.
On average, make sure your website is not down for more than five minutes monthly.
If not, please change your web hosting provider.
I always use UptimeRobot to check downtime.
Why is your website down?
Here are lists of why your website is down.
- Security threat (virus, malware, ransomware) – 53%
- Hardware failure – 20%
- Backup disk corruption – 11%
- Natural disaster – 10%
- Human error – 4%
- Power outage – 2%
If you look, security threats are a big reason why websites are always down. So, we need to improve website security.
In conclusion, your website should be online 24 hours a day without downtime. If it is often down, you could potentially lose traffic and sales. So, make sure you are aware of this.
#3 – Server Environment
What is a server environment?
Server environment here means what they offer for you in their hosting, likes
- Loading speed
- Server Location
- Monthly Traffic
- Content Management System (CMS)
- Available Storage
The loading speed of a website is the most critical factor because it can also impact SEO. Nowadays, Google prioritizes the pages that load faster on its first page to provide the best experience for its users.
The speed of a website is also based on server location. That is why please consider when you choose web hosting, please know where your server location. If it is available in your country, please pick it. Otherwise, select the server that is nearby in your country.
You must also know how much monthly traffic you can handle on your hosting. If not, co-hosting will always be a nightmare for bloggers or website owners.
Next, please consider choosing web hosting that uses cPanel to manage the server. Although there are many control panels, cPanel is more straightforward and user-friendly, especially for beginners.
Finally, you need to know how much storage can store your website’s files on the server. If you use a static website like a web company, there is not much storage you will use. However, if you create a membership site or blog, storage may increase over time because you must update it and upload files to the server.
In conclusion, you must know whether the server has a suitable environment for your future website. To avoid any trouble in the future, make sure you choose a web hosting company that uses cPanel as the web control panel.
#4 – Pricing
I cannot explain pricing in detail because managing a hosting or server is expensive. The pricing is based on types of hosting, such as Shared hosting, VPS hosting, Cloud hosting, and Dedicated hosting.
The cheapest hosting is Shared hosting, which costs about $2.99-$9.99 monthly. It is very affordable for beginners. But you must know that Shared hosting has limitations.
Make sure the price is not too expensive and not too cheap. Usually, expensive web hosting offers excellent support. Class “A” support. But you do not need support every time. If they are good hosting, maybe have you host the problem once per month. If you have enough money, please go ahead. If you have an insufficient budget, please search for another web host.
Cheaper web hosting with great features usually provides low-class support. Your ticket may be replied to in one day, which can be problematic if you have an urgent problem.
So, the best thing is to find web hosting at a moderate price.
Please do not use the free web hosting offer because it will trap you in a nightmare.
#5 – Features
Every web hosting has different features, so you cannot get the complete hosting you need. Each has pros and cons.
Here, I list the seven features of a web host for you to consider when choosing your web hosting.
- Use cPanel to manage the server
- Offer free SSL (Let’s encrypt)
- Free anti-malware
- Offer daily and weekly backups
- Free cloud CDN
- SPAM protection
- Application Firewall for DDoS attack
You need to consider all of these, and these features are basic on Shared hosting. So, make sure you have suHostingof this on your server.
I think the best web hosting you should choose is FastComet because it has all the characteristics I mentioned above. The best thing about FastComet is its support and free SSL for all its plans.
Type Of Hosting
As I mentioned above, pricing for hosting is based on Hostinge of Hosting. So, here I Hostingplain briefly what is it.
Basically, there are three types of web hosting.
#1. Shared Hosting – Shared hosting is hosting hosting hosting the web hosting provider will divide on one server how much the user will share with the same CPU or resource of the server. It is the most basic type of web hosting.
#2. VPS Hosting – VPS is an upgrade from Shared Hosting, where VPS, where only two or three owners will share one server. So, it has more resources and a faster loading website than Shared hosting.
#3. Dedicated Hosting – Dedicated hosting ihosting. Hosting gone, gone server is only used by one owner. They do not share the hosting with another hosting. S, it is more secure and faster to load.
For more explanation, you may refer to the picture below.

This article teaches you how to choose a web host for your successful blog. Choosing a web host is critical to starting a successful blog because your efforts will be useless if you make the wrong decision.